Saving a Dog's Life . . . One Paw at a Time
K9 First Aid & CPR Emergency Trauma Care Training

Saving a Dog's Life . . . One Paw at a Time
This workshop includes most of the topics in our core program. Learn the skill basics for saving your pet's life in an emergency. This workshop includes trap and snare release.
Duration: 3.0 Hours
Tuition: $50
Bring: Notebook, Pen/Pencil/Highlighter, Bag Lunch, Snacks, Drinks
Note: Please DO NOT bring your dog to class.
Service Dogs and their handlers are always welcome.
This is our core program and includes a book with certification from ECSI. Learn the skill basics for saving your pet's life in an emergency. This workshop includes trap and snare release.
Duration: 4.5 Hours
Tuition: $75
Bring: Notebook, Pen/Pencil/Highlighter, Bag Lunch, Snacks, Drinks
Note: Please DO NOT bring your dog to class.
Service Dogs and their handlers are always welcome.
Our K9 Wilderness Emergency First Aid and CPR course is specifically designed for the Montana outdoor enthusiast who likes to share their outdoor adventures and activities with their dog, and where access to veterinary care is delayed or communications is limited.
The course focuses on K9 Emergency Medical Assessment and Immediate Emergerncy Field Treatment. You will learn the necessary emergency first aid and CPR skills for injuries and illnesses common in the Montana outdoors and how to make appropriate evacuation decisions.
This class is highly interactive with hands-on scenarios based on "real world" emergency situations.
Duration: 8 Hours
Tuition: $140
Bring: Notebook, Pen/Pencil/Highlighter, Bag Lunch, Snacks, Drinks
Note: Please DO NOT bring your dog to class.
Service Dogs and their handlers are always welcome.
Please contact our office if you plan on bringing your Service Dog.
Montana K9 SAFETY Instructors will teach You the necessary Emergency First Aid and CPR skills to take care of your K9 in the event of a medical emergency. We will give You the CONFIDENCE and SKILLS needed to stay calm and in control of an emergency situation, while still being able to show the love, compassion and support needed to treat your pets injuries until professional veterinary help can be obtained.
To enroll in a scheduled open enrollment course, please see links above. For more information call or email:
Office: (406) 314-7024
All course tuition's must be PAID in FULL, at time of registration to reserve your seat in a class.
Seating is Limited ! Classes
All course tuition's are Non-Refundable.
In the event that you must cancel a scheduled class, please contact our office.
Montana K9 SAFETY reserves the right to cancel a class if the the class student minimum is not met. In this case, a student may request to receive a full refund or transfer tuition to another scheduled class within six (6) months.
Inclimate Weather Policy:
We rarely cancel class due to inclement weather. If we're experiencing a significant weather event (snow, ice, wildfires, etc.), we will make every effort to contact participants at least an hour and a half prior to class start time in the event that we have to cancel class.
Questions about your training class?
Call our office 406-314-7024. See You In Class!
Pet First Aid . . . Refers to the initial care given to an injured or suddenly ill animal. A trained individual will know what simple yet life-saving steps to take with minimal equipment to stabilize an animal and keep him/her comfortable until the veterinarian can take over.
Proper pet first aid can reduce a pet’s recovery time from illness or injury and even help prevent long-term disability. In a Pet First Aid class, you will learn basic emergency care. Common illnesses and environmental exposures will be covered to prepare you for a variety of situations your pet might experience.
More specifically, training will cover how to safely approach an ill or injured animal, emergency scene safety, infection control, and how to properly use restraints (muzzles, towels, blankets, ankle straps, collars).
Pet CPR . . . is short for Pet “Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation” which is the procedure used to artificially push blood and oxygen out of the heart to the brain and other vital organs of the body. When a trained individual uses chest compressions and breathing techniques on an animal, he/she will help keep the animal’s brain alive and vital organs functioning until veterinary professionals are able to take over.
In the K9First Aid and CPR course, you will learn the Initial Assessment steps – Assess, Alert, Attend. You will be taught how to determine if the animal is breathing and how to check for his/her heart rate. You will learn the steps of K9 CPR starting from how to position yourself with regard to the animal through administering the compression necessary to resuscitate the animal. You will also learn to check for any obstruction in the dog’s mouth and how to administer a technique called Rescue Breathing.
Hands-on training using mannequin dogs gives each class participant the opportunity to practice the techniques while the instructor guides and facilitates. Video training helps participants see how emergency situations can be handled by trained individuals in a variety of situations.
Each Pet First Aid and CPR class is taught by ECSI (Emergency Care Safety Institute) Certified Instructors. Each class will cover the care, treatment and handling techniques of injured dogs and cats. Instructors will provide the necessary course equipment to teach all the steps in Pet CPR, Rescue Breathing, Bandaging, Splinting, Packaging, Transporting and anything else needed to comfort your pet in the case of an emergency.
Montana K9 SAFETY is dedicated to supporting pet owners, sporting dog enthusiasts, veterinary and animal professionals, pet care professionals, pet sitters & walkers, animal shelter workers/volunteers, animal rescue workers, emergency first responders, park employees, utility workers, delivery drivers and anyone else who genuinely cares for animals by providing training for one single overwhelming objective, Saving Lives by Training to Win!
For that reason, we offer the most practical, comprehensive, intense and realistic training in the world. What you learn from Montana K9 Safety can Save the Life of a Pet !
Over the years, our Instructors have trained thousands of students who have not only participated in the training, but have also contributed to our constantly expanding and fluid training regime.
When you attend a Montana K9 SAFETY training course you become part of our professional team; dedicated to Saving the Life of a Pet ! We guarantee that Montana K9 Safety training will be a valuable learning experience that will improve your Attitude, Skill and Knowledge.
Our training provides hands-on skills and techniques. Experience the difference of being taught by instructors with real-life experiences who have “been there, done that", having administered these life saving skills to humans and animals in the “real world”.
There Is No Substitute For Real World Experience !
If you think your pet may have injested a potentially poisonous substance, call:
The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center is your best resource for any poison related emergency, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Did You Know . . .
Approximately 5 million people are bitten by animals in the U.S. each year. Half of those bitten by animals are children. About a dozen people die each year from dog attacks. half of all cat bites become infected. 77% of biting dogs belong to victims's family or friends. 61% of animal bites happen at home.
Do You Know How To Transport an Injured Dog ?
If a dog is injured, handle the dog gently and minimally as you transport it to the vet. If they are still mobile, get them to lay down however they are comfortable and stay, ideally in a carrier or crate. Carry dogs that are significantly injured on a stiff, firm surface, and do everything yo
Do You Know How To Transport an Injured Dog ?
If a dog is injured, handle the dog gently and minimally as you transport it to the vet. If they are still mobile, get them to lay down however they are comfortable and stay, ideally in a carrier or crate. Carry dogs that are significantly injured on a stiff, firm surface, and do everything you can to immobilize whatever parts of the dog's body that may be injured.
First aid is the emergency help you give to an animal that is injured or has become suddenly ill. Combining commonsense, first aid skills and available materials, you’ll be able to prevent conditions from worsening, promote recovery and even save a life.
Keep in mind, however, that you are providing, especially in more serious incidents, temporary measures that will sustain the animal until you transport him or her to the veterinarian for clinical attention. (By the way, keep your veterinarian’s phone number near your phone.)
Of course, it behooves us as their human companions to protect our loved ones from hazardous situations as much as we possibly can. Just as we keep a first aid kit handy for the humans in our household, we should put together items that we may need for helping our animal companions in an emergency. Here’s a look at some recommended options:
Cautionary Note: Animals who are frightened and in pain may act unpredictably – even those who are usually friendly. To protect yourself from a cat’s sharp claws, wrap him in a towel or jacket , and wear thick gloves. Avoid a dog’s teeth by using a commercial muzzle or wrapping a scarf around the nose and under the chin, then tying it behind the ears.
There’s no such thing as the perfect first aid kit, so you should consider your needs, including the length of your trip, the size of your group, and where you will be traveling, and then build a kit that meets them.
You should never pack anything in a first aid kit that you don’t know how to use. It’s wise to go through each item and familiarize yourself with how to use each item before going into the backcountry. And consider taking a K9 Wilderness First Aid Course to learn even more about how to use first aid kit supplies to manage common outdoor injuries and illnesses.
For course information and to register for a class contact:
Montana K9 SAFETY
(406) 314-7024
Did you know according to the American Animal Hospital Association that 25% more pets could have been saved if only one pet first aid technique was applied prior to veterinary treatment! Studies have shown that only 10% of pets will survive heart attacks unless proper CPR techniques were applied prior to veterinary intervention.
Would YOU know what to do if your dog suddenly choked on a bone? If your pet ate a toxic substance, like chocolate? Do YOU have a plan in the event you need to evacuate your family from your home?
Most dogs love exploring the outdoors with their humans, but an intensive hike is a lot more demanding than a walk around the neighborhood or a visit to the dog park. If YOU are planning a backcountry hike with your dog, know how to keep his safety and comfort in mind. But it requires dedicated preparation to ensure the experience is safe and enjoyable for your dog,
Montana K9 SAFETY training will give YOU the CONFIDENCE and Emergency First Aid skills needed to Save a Life of your pet!
Let Us Bring The Training To You .
Becoming an Official Host Training Site requires your organization/agency to provide suitable training areas and projection support. These requirements differ from course to course and we’ll work with you to ensure you are fully prepared to support each requirement.
There is no hosting fee however, we rely heavily on our hosts to actively market their program to other agencies, organizations or groups in their area via fax, email, flyers, or other resources. We will handle all registrations, accounting, paperwork, local and state level marketing.
Hosting Toolkit
Montana K9 SAFETY relies heavily on our hosts to ensure each course is made available to all local agencies. While we have tremendous reach via our online presence and marketing practices we have learned that the majority of our participants learn about training opportunities through local marketing efforts. If there is anything we can do to help a host promote a course locally we’re here to help.
Here are some of the best practices we’ve seen leveraged by host POCs (Point of Contact) to help fill training courses:
How Can We Help?
A scheduled and conducted course is beneficial to everyone involved. Each participant gets world-class training from our team of highly skilled and experienced trainers.
We are here to help. If you need help and ideas for promoting your course please reach out to our Training Director at:
Office: (406) 314-7024
Special Discounts to Agencies, Groups and Organizations are available.
The More Humans We Train . . .
The More Paws We Can SAVE !
We offer special discounts to our Veterans.
Service Dogs and their Handlers are Always Welcome !
Disclaimer : Montana K9 Safety training courses are not intended to replace veterinary medical care in the event of an emergency or regularly scheduled care and checkup. Please consult your primary veterinary medical care provider for guidance regarding your pet's health.
Please note to ensure that you fully understand that any of Montana K9 Safety's courses will not qualify you in veterinary practice or surgery or in the proper diagnosis of animal sickness, illness or disease and no claim is being made that having undertook any course you will be able to carry out any techniques or operations satisfactory on any animals either privately or as a business and this includes with your own or others animals. These courses are strictly for personal interest, precautions, self development purposes and personal knowledge. We cannot guarantee or ensure that anyone who would take these courses would be up to ANY satisfactory standard to work on anyone’s animals or carry out any proper first aid. These courses are purely to provide you with knowledge on canine first aid at the sole purpose of being able to better deal with any unsuspecting situations that may arise privately. This Company/course provider will not accept any consequence or blame for incorrect treatments or diagnosis that may be carried out or any techniques that are taught within these courses.
Our classes fill quickly, contact our office to register for a class.
P.O. Box 1454, Bigfork, MT 59911
Office: (406) 314-7024 Email:
Clink on the link below to register for a upcoming class.
The most important topics to me were the trapping and snake bites. I really liked that we were able to try opening traps and snares.
I feel so much better to go out walking and hiking with my furry companion. Thank you!
It would be great to offer this in schools as an elective for further Montana Education!